Monday, May 13, 2013

New updates!

1. I graduated from UCSD. Since last March actually... Pretty excited to start the real thing!
2. I got myself a nice DSLR to play with. So, no more excuses not to blog! Yay!
3. I am looking for job. Not finding one yet, but...
4. I was accepted to intern at one of the biotech company in San Diego. Although it may last only 3 months and they said there is almost none of possibility for full-time employment, this should be a valuable one!
5. I... have a boyfriend now :) who is almost 2 years younger actually, but I guess the age difference doesn't show... at all.

So yeah. That's life update.

And since I am not really doing anything now and still waiting for when the internship starts, I thought I should do these things:

1. Learn how to properly use the DSLR. Also for food photography purpose, of course.
2. Write an article to Kompas.
3. Make a mille crepe, and successfully making one!
4. Make an apple tart
5. Macaroons!

Well, guess that's all for now.


Hedgehog and Avocados!

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